
Who is Batbait and how do they make music so intense and strangely beautiful? (For if we finally let rock music speak for itself, it would most certainly say that it wishes to be played by Batbait.)

A tone that is much more than distorted guitars and driving rhythms. Here, sound unfolds that doesn’t just scratch the surface but reveals deeper layers. Glitter in the noise. Against the gawp. When the patriarchy stumbles, it resonates like Batbait. Accessibility is renegotiated when they shred their songs. DIY here is not a style but a lived reality. The four musicians relentlessly develop their own musical language, free from conventional boundaries: distortion, waves of reverb, and clicking rhythms intertwine to create a complex, multi-layered experience. Music, text, visual art, and aesthetics merge into their complete creation that centers on self-determination and autonomy. Batbait show how rock music doesn‘t just need a lot of space but can be loud and angry and at the same time reflective, joyful and sensitive. In combining sound with meaning, they create a journey that escapes the boundaries of any rock subgenre and forges its own path – radical and independent.

Between strength, nonchalance, and understatement: Following their debut album ‘Dirty Clothes’ (Irascible Records, 2022), the next one is soon to be released. Yet still, Batbait manages to cook pasta even in cold water.



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